Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The dogs woudnt even eat it.

So I attempted my first Rachel Ray recipe today. Caught the show one late night when my insomnia was pretty bad and she was the only thing on to watch. It was either infomercials or Rachel and I chose Rachel.
My first mistake. But the recipe was pretty basic and pretty simply and it looked good. Or at lest to my sleep deprived brain it looked good.

So today I made this chicken cutlet recipe. A butterflied chicken breast, pounded flat and marinated in fresh citrus. Grilled, then toped with an rocket salad.

So i followed the very simple recipe. Couldn't imagine were or how it could go wrong.

It did.

It was awful.

I tossed bits of it to the Chihuahua an the Beagle. Neither would eat it.

No more Rachel recipes for me.

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