Saturday, February 12, 2011

Blue Cheese & black pepper pop corn.

Saturday night: A Christopher Walken marathon and a bowl of freshly popped popcorn, tossed with crumbled blue cheese and a healthy dose of fresh cracked black pepper.

I make the popcorn on the stove top. Using bacon drippings as the fat. Once the popcorn is done, I quickly empty the bowl and use the residual heat remaining it to melt a bit of crumbled blue cheese. The I add back the popcorn, tossing it around to pick up the melted blue cheese.  I finish it with freshly cracked black pepper and more crumbled blue cheese.

Chunks of Danish Blue cheese, & fresh cracked black pepper

I add bacon drippings to the kernels. It gives the popcorn a smokey flavor

The thin bowl means it has to be watched closely. Shaking often to keep the popcorn from burning 

I have a favorite mixing  bowl that works perfectly for the stove top method.
This is so superior to any bagged cheese flavored popcorn you have ever had. I hope you try it.

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