Saturday, April 30, 2011

Fresh lemonade

Nothing better than fresh lemonade. All natural, no preservatives

I bought a juicer recently. It's really a lot of fun. It can be a  bit pricey, with the current prices on fresh produce.  But you have to give yourself a treat every once in awhile.

Fresh Organic lemons

Peeled and ready for the juicer

The juicer works very well. It's a bit of a mess to clean. 

My "Swing Away" brand ice crusher

Nothing better than crushed ice

a little ice is added to the shaker

The fresh lemon juice is added to taste

a little simple syrup to sweeten the mix

Some filtered cold water is added for consistency

The other day the market was running good deals on lemons.  It was a warm, beautiful spring day and I decided I wanted to make some homemade lemonade. A nice treat to that turned a good day, into a great day!

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