Monday, March 28, 2011

Cod Cakes

Trying to find healthy food for work is often a challenge. Neither person I cook for will eat pork, outside of the occasional piece of bacon. But that has to be so over cooked that its almost blackened and I can get away with sending bacon maybe once or twice a year.
We we have a pretty set routine for menus. Monday is "X". Tuesday is "Y" etc.. So I often have to find new ways to present the same proteins. This cod cake recipe was a very simple recipe. I try to use only the best fish and natural, flavorful ingredients.
I found beautiful "True Cod"  fillets at Whole Foods and I knew I wanted to do something special with them.

I took the skinless fillets and processed them lightly in a food processor. Then in a mixing bowl I combined the fish with fresh lemon juice and zest, fresh parsley, a touch of mayo to hold them together, a small amount of homemade bread crumbs, thin sliced green onions salt and pepper and just a pinch or two of Old Bay seasoning and one small egg yolk. I formed the patties. Gently shaping them without compacting them to much. I lightly tossed them in seasoned flour and then set them aside for about an hour in the fridge. I wanted them to rest and become a more cohesive mass.

I made one small cake, and I sautéed it in a nonstick skillet to assure that the flavors were correct and to make sure I didn't need to adjust anything. Once I knew that the flavor was perfect, I sautéed the rest of the cakes. medium low heat. A pat of butter and a little bit of olive oil.

I made a light sauce for them by combining mayo with fresh parsley, lemon juice and zest, black pepper and salt and a couple cloves of garlic. I put them all in a food processor and just gave it a few short pulses.  It's a light, fresh sauce. Packed with flavor and compliments the fish very nicely.

I served the Cod cakes on a bed of sautéed baby spinach and a warm lentil salad. The lentils were cooked al dente and then tossed in a light olive oil and lemon juice vinaigrette.

A perfect dish for a light meal or served as a first course.

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